Bullying is a repeated aggressive behavior where one person (or group of people) in a position of power deliberately intimidates or abuses an individual with the intention to hurt that person physically or emotionally.
Incidents of bullying are most times intentional and repeated having an emotional impact upon the person being bullied.
Types of Bullying
There are 4 types of bullying that can occur separately or simultaneously to an individual(victim).
1) Physical Bullying: This type of bullying involve the use of physical strength such as kicking or pushing.
2) Verbal bullying e.g name-calling or yelling
3) Relational bullying e.g excluding or rumor-spreading
4) Cyber bullying which involves sending hurtful messages over digital devices.

Three Widely recognized Roles in bullying situations are
▪Victims are the individual(s) being bullied
▪Bully is the One or group that intimidate the victim
▪Bystanders are person(s) that intervene into a bullying situation to stop it, stand up for the victim or join the bully to defeat the victim.
That's not all,
There are many factors that might influence a person's behavior such as
•Peer pressure
•Family situation
•School climate, etc.
A Major Question you might be asking yourself now is probably "Who are At Risk of being Bullied"?
Most young people are in danger of being bullied at some point during their adolescence
Well, Depending on the environment, a particular group, race or individual is more likely to be Bullied.
Examples are
•Persons with disabilities
•Socially Isolated Persons or Introverted individuals
Lastly, It is very Important to know The Effect of Bullying on the Victim and Bully since the action involved both persons or group
Effect of Bullying on The Victim
1. Depression
2. Anxiety
3. Eating disorders
4. Suicidal thoughts
5. Health issues like headaches, sleeplessness and fatigue
Effect of Bullying on The Bully
1. Are at greater risk of drinking Alcohol
2.Are more likely to become involved in criminal activity
3. Psychiatric disorder
That comes to the end of this Article, Tell me What you think in the Comment Section! Thanks for Reading!
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